
Bishop Chatard Assembly #0245 - 4th Degree
• 7161 Swallow Ln • Plainfield, IN 46168-1880 • 317-446-5848 • 
To see a list of each member council and to get a map to each, click here .
Page Updated March 28, 2025

Assembly Information
The Bishop Chatard Assembly meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month, social at 6, dinner at 6:15, meeting at 7PM. In months when there are elections, the meeting is moved to the 2nd Tuesday. The location of each meeting is rotated to different Councils for the convenience of each Council's members. You can contact the Faithful Navigator SK Ralph Proctor at (317) 527-9264 or (Click on the e-mail guy! ==>).
Click on the Activities button on the left for meeting dates and locations.
Click on the Officers button on the left for a complete list of Officers
with phone numbers and email addresses.
Click Here for the Monthly Newsletter

Click image above to email
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The born and the unborn.
Attention New Members
A 3 X 5 Flag will be awarded to all new members who attend an Assembly Meeting within 90 days of their exemplification.
There are now two email addresses to get email from. Navigator@indy4th.org and Commander@indy4th.org. All newsletters and assembly news will come via Navigator. All color guard and wake information will come via Commander. Add these email addresses to your address book to allow email to arrive in your inbox. If you need to get email information, call SK Richard Aldridge (317) 446-5848 for assistance.
Security / Scam Alert
Your personal information remains secure with data maintained on the Supreme member management server. Your information is not passed to new officers or copied to personal devices, all communication comes from above listed emails. All mailed information will come in Knights of Columbus, Fourth Degree envelopes.
We will NEVER call/text/email/mail requesting money without money going directly to the assembly comptroller with normal accepted transaction methods.
All Members
It is very helpful to our Faithful Navigator to let him know if you will be attending the Monthly Dinner Meeting. He is trying very hard to manage the cost of the Dinners. If you are on the list and cannot make it to the meeting, let him know in advance. If you are not on the list but are planning to attend, let him know in advance. In advance does not mean calling him the day before, that's too late for the people preparing the meal.
Next Exemplification
Contact Faithful Comptroller Richard Aldridge for form4 and registration forms
Click Here For Exemplification Instructions & Forms
Links to other websites:
Indianapolis Archdiocese Catholic Bishops Conference
Color Corps Drill Manual webmail
Copyright Supreme Council of Knights of Columbus, 1999, 1 Columbus Plaza, New Haven, CT 06510, (203) 772-2130, info@kofc.org.
Send comments or questions to the web page editor, Indy4th Web