December 14 |
Saturday |
Christmas Party |
Our Lady of the Greenwood
335 S. Meridian St.
Greenwood, IN 46143
Previous events 2024
January 2
Monthly Meeting
Renewal of Obligations
Bring your sword!
Our Lady of Fatima Council 3228.
Fatima Event Center
1040 N. Post Rd.
Indianapolis, IN 46219
Social at 6 pm, dinner at 6:30, meeting to follow dinner.
Virtual Meeting. 7PM.
Google Meet invite
January 22 |
Monday |
Respect for Life Mass & Walk for Life |
Indianapolis Convention Center, 10:30AM
See Newsletter or contact Faithful Navigator
February 6 |
Tuesday |
Monthly Meeting |
Our Lady of Fatima Council 3228.
Fatima Event Center
1040 N. Post Rd.
Indianapolis, IN 46219
Social at 6 pm, dinner at 6:30, meeting to follow dinner.
Virtual Meeting. 7PM.
Google Meet invite
March 5 |
Tuesday |
Monthly Meeting |
Fr. Louis Gootee Council 13105
Nativity Catholic Church
7225 Southeastern Avenue, Indianapolis, IN
Social at 6, Dinner at 6:30, Meeting will follow dinner
Virtual Meeting. 7PM
Google Meet invite:
March 8 |
Friday |
Prayer Vigil |
Indy Planned Parenthood on Georgetown Rd. 8 PM
Part of 40 Days for Life
March 15 |
Friday |
St Patrick's Day Parade |
Details TBA when available. St. Patrick's Day Parade |
March 29 |
Friday |
Way of the Cross |
Join His Excellency, The Most Reverend Charles C. Thompson, Archbishop for the Way of the Cross. American Legion Mall at 12PM. Contact SK Patrick Olmstead Sr. 317-258-7740 or |
April 2 |
Tuesday |
Clergy/PFN Dinner |
Our Lady of Fatima Council 3228.
Fatima Event Center
1040 N. Post Rd.
Indianapolis, IN 46219
April 20 |
Saturday |
4th Degree Exemplification |
The Catholic Center
1400 N. Meridian St.
Indianapolis, IN
Click on 4th Degree Exemplification for details
May 7 |
Tuesday |
Monthly Meeting
Slate of Officers
Reading of Budget
Santo Rosario Council 14449
Holy Rosary Catholic Church
520 Stevens St. Indianapolis, IN 46224
Social at 6, Dinner at 6:30, Meeting will follow dinner
Virtual Meeting. 7PM
Google Meet invite:
May 17-19 |
Fri-Sun |
State Convention |
Monroe Convention Center
302 S. Collage Ave, Bloomington, IN 47403
Rooms available at Courtyard by Marriott and Hyatt
More details when they become available.
June 11 |
Tuesday |
Monthly Meeting
Election of Officers
Our Lady of Fatima Council 3228.
Fatima Event Center
1040 N. Post Rd.
Indianapolis, IN 46219
Social at 6 pm, dinner at 6:30, meeting to follow dinner.
Virtual Meeting. 7PM.
Google Meet invite
June 23 |
Sunday |
Mass |
Come join Most Reverend Msgr, Svarczkopf as he celebrates mass at Our Lady of Greenwood Catholic Church, 335 S. Meridian, Greenwood, IN at 5PM. Reception afterwards. |
July 2 |
Tuesday |
Officers Meeting |
Council #3660 4071 S. Keystone Ave. Indianapolis, IN |
July 9 |
Tuesday |
Installation of Officers
St. Michael the Archangel Church 3433 W. 30th St. Indianapolis, IN
Mass at 6:00PM. Installation to Follow
August 6 |
Tuesday |
Monthly Meeting & Installation of Officers |
Council #3660 4071 S. Keystone Ave. Indianapolis, IN Social at 6 pm, dinner at 6:30, meeting to follow dinner. Virtual meeting at 7 pm
Google Meet invite
September 3 |
Tuesday |
Monthly Meeting |
St. Mark Catholic Church
335 E. Edgewood Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46227
Social at 6 pm, dinner at 6:30, meeting to follow dinner.
Virtual Meeting. 7PM
Google Meet invite
October 1 |
Tuesday |
Monthly Meeting |
St Thomas More Council 7431. St. Thomas More Church. 1200 N. Indiana St. Mooresville, IN 46158
Social at 6 pm, dinner at 6:30, meeting to follow dinner.
Virtual Meeting. 7PM.
Google Meet invite
November 11 |
Monday |
Veterans Day Parade |
Indiana War Memorial, American Legion Mall 12 noon
Indianapolis, IN Detail will be sent in email when available
November 12 |
Tuesday |
Memorial Mass |
St. Jude Catholic Church 6PM
5253 McFarland Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46227
December 3 |
Tuesday |
Monthly Meeting |
St. Pius X Council 3433
Northside Events and Social Club
2100 E. 71st St. Indianapolis, IN 46220
Social at 6 pm, dinner at 6:30, meeting to follow dinner.
Virtual Meeting. 7PM.
Google Meet invite