
  Knights of Columbus

Bishop Chatard Assembly #0245 - 4th Degree

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 to each location. 

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Note: Color Guard details in BLUEspecial functions in RED, monthly meetings in BLACK, special notes in GREEN                

To: 2023

Year 2024
Updated December 6, 2024

To: 2025


December 14 Saturday Christmas Party

Our Lady of the Greenwood

335 S. Meridian St.

Greenwood, IN 46143

Previous events 2024

 January 2




Monthly Meeting

Renewal of Obligations

Bring your sword!

Our Lady of Fatima Council 3228.

Fatima Event Center

1040 N. Post Rd.

Indianapolis, IN 46219

Social at 6 pm, dinner at 6:30, meeting to follow dinner. 

Virtual Meeting.   7PM.

Google Meet invite  meet.google.com/jee-srjf-ooj

January 22 Monday Respect for Life Mass & Walk for Life 

Indianapolis Convention Center, 10:30AM

See Newsletter or contact Faithful Navigator

February 6 Tuesday Monthly Meeting

Our Lady of Fatima Council 3228.

Fatima Event Center

1040 N. Post Rd.

Indianapolis, IN 46219

Social at 6 pm, dinner at 6:30, meeting to follow dinner. 

Virtual Meeting.   7PM.

Google Meet invite  meet.google.com/jee-srjf-ooj

March 5 Tuesday Monthly Meeting

Fr. Louis Gootee Council 13105

Nativity Catholic Church

7225 Southeastern Avenue, Indianapolis, IN

Social at 6, Dinner at 6:30, Meeting will follow dinner  

Virtual Meeting.   7PM

Google Meet invite: meet.google.com/jee-srjf-ooj

March 8 Friday Prayer Vigil

Indy Planned Parenthood on Georgetown Rd. 8 PM

Part of 40 Days for Life

March 15 Friday St Patrick's Day Parade Details TBA when available. St. Patrick's Day Parade
March 29 Friday Way of the Cross Join His Excellency, The Most Reverend Charles C. Thompson, Archbishop for the Way of the Cross. American Legion Mall at 12PM. Contact SK Patrick Olmstead Sr. 317-258-7740 or CIC@indianakofc.org. 
April 2 Tuesday Clergy/PFN Dinner

Our Lady of Fatima Council 3228.

Fatima Event Center

1040 N. Post Rd.

Indianapolis, IN 46219

April 20 Saturday 4th Degree Exemplification

The Catholic Center

1400 N. Meridian St.

Indianapolis, IN

Click on 4th Degree Exemplification for details

May 7 Tuesday

Monthly Meeting

Slate of Officers

Reading of Budget

Santo Rosario Council 14449

Holy Rosary Catholic Church

520 Stevens St. Indianapolis, IN 46224

Social at 6, Dinner at 6:30, Meeting will follow dinner  

Virtual Meeting.   7PM

Google Meet invite: meet.google.com/jee-srjf-ooj

May 17-19 Fri-Sun State Convention

Monroe Convention Center

302 S. Collage Ave, Bloomington, IN 47403

Rooms available at Courtyard by Marriott and Hyatt

More details when they become available.

June 11 Tuesday

Monthly Meeting

Election of Officers

Our Lady of Fatima Council 3228.

Fatima Event Center

1040 N. Post Rd.

Indianapolis, IN 46219

Social at 6 pm, dinner at 6:30, meeting to follow dinner. 

Virtual Meeting.   7PM.

Google Meet invite  meet.google.com/jee-srjf-ooj

June 23  Sunday Mass Come join Most Reverend Msgr, Svarczkopf as he celebrates mass at Our Lady of Greenwood Catholic Church, 335 S. Meridian, Greenwood, IN at 5PM. Reception afterwards.
July 2 Tuesday Officers Meeting Council #3660                                                                              4071 S. Keystone Ave. Indianapolis, IN
July 9 Tuesday

Installation of Officers


St. Michael the Archangel Church                                               3433 W. 30th St. Indianapolis, IN

Mass at 6:00PM. Installation to Follow

August 6 Tuesday Monthly Meeting & Installation of Officers

Council #3660                                                                                   4071 S. Keystone Ave. Indianapolis, IN                                          Social at 6 pm, dinner at 6:30, meeting to follow dinner.                 Virtual meeting at 7 pm

Google Meet invite  meet.google.com/jee-srjf-ooj

September 3 Tuesday Monthly Meeting

St. Mark Catholic Church

335 E. Edgewood Ave.

Indianapolis, IN 46227

Social at 6 pm, dinner at 6:30, meeting to follow dinner.

Virtual Meeting. 7PM

Google Meet invite  meet.google.com/jee-srjf-ooj

October 1 Tuesday Monthly Meeting

St Thomas More Council 7431. St. Thomas More Church.         1200 N. Indiana St. Mooresville, IN 46158

Social at 6 pm, dinner at 6:30, meeting to follow dinner.

Virtual Meeting.   7PM.

Google Meet invite  meet.google.com/jee-srjf-ooj

November 11 Monday Veterans Day Parade

Indiana War Memorial, American Legion Mall 12 noon

Indianapolis, IN Detail will be sent in email when available                                    

November 12 Tuesday Memorial Mass

St. Jude Catholic Church 6PM

5253 McFarland Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46227

December 3 Tuesday Monthly Meeting

St. Pius X Council 3433 

Northside Events and Social Club

2100 E. 71st St. Indianapolis, IN 46220

Social at 6 pm, dinner at 6:30, meeting to follow dinner. 

Virtual Meeting.   7PM.

Google Meet invite  meet.google.com/jee-srjf-ooj